Friday, November 25, 2011


I am HOOOOOME. And SO f'n tired. I embarked on my 1st journey to Winston Salem at 11:00pm wednesday night. Everything was fine up til the very end when I somehow made a wrong turn off an exit and got SOOOO crazy lost. Or so I thought. By the straight grace of God, I was on a street Rob knew and he helped me get home. But not before I found a gas station and asked the attendant what street I was on. LOL. But I found my way. Rob and I hung out and tried to go to bed around 3:30am.....I didn't end out falling asleep til 6:30am. WHYYYY, you ask? 1.) b/c I need noise to sleep. and not just ANY noise. Non-distracting noise. So a tv or radio will NOT work. I usually sleep with a fan and humidifier on. And needless to say, Rob had no fan or humidifier. We tried to turn on the bathroom fan but it somehow was making these noises that sounded like a thumping bass in a car stereo. It was weird. And distracting. lol. 2.) Rob was snoring. Another distracting noise. 3.) I left my stuffed rabbit at home. I am going to be 26 in 2 days...and I still sleep with a stuffed rabbit my nana made me when I was probably 2 or 3. I didn't realize I couldn't sleep without him....but apparently I can't. So yea, I fell asleep at 6:30am, we woke up at noon and headed out to walmart b/c we're dummies who can NEVER remember to get everything we need BEFORE Thanksgiving. Ugh. We got home and got our cook/clean/football watch on (even though all the games sucked and watching Nickelback perform pissed me ALL the way off). After dinner, we watched a sea turtle documentary which contained turtle porn. Then I think Rob went and played Skyrim while I popped some pain pills and tried to sleep. We woke up this morning, I got ready, drove to Rob's mall to give him his house key (and DIDN'T GET LOST! YES!) and drove home. And got to work an hour early. lol. Ah well, better early than late. I had a good day with Rob, I'm just bummed that I'm now back at home alone. I mean...I missed the cats while I was gone. But now that I'm home I'm like UGH. Cats. More chores. lol.

I had an incident before I left for Winston that REALLY shook me to the core. I was at work and this woman just had a shitty frustrated look on her face so I tried to help her. She straight told me "UGH just....nevermind." like I was some kinda dummy. My associate rang her out and sent her on her way, and I asked my associate if the customer was a bitch to her, too. And my associate says "No, but she sure had a lot of shit to say about you!" I retrace my steps. Was I rude? Did I not try to help her in a timely manner? What the hell? I was then informed that she essentially said I was disgusting, how did I expect to be taken seriously with all my tattoos and piercings, when her daughter worked for the company people had to look presentable....bitch went OFFFFF. And my associate informed her that I was the assistant manager, and she said "well I guess I can't say anything else then, can I?". No, you sure the fuck can't, and you shouldn't have said shit to begin with. I was SO hurt I kinda felt like crying. Bitch, did I not try to help you? I saw you were struggling and tried to HELP you, and you treat me like dog shit b/c you don't like how I look? REALLY?! It was just a little mind boggling. But I'm glad I tried to help her and didn't treat her some kinda way....that would have made her feel justified in hating me, I'm sure. But I am NOT that person that "gets off" on the haters. I don't ENJOY people disliking me. And it just really upset me that, to be sure, this chick was gonna go home and tell her family about the horrible pierced and tattooed ragamuffin she saw at BBW. Ugh. Whatever.

I think my appendix just exploded. I'm going to put my clothes in the dryer and go to bed....hopefully get a good night sleep surrounded by fans and stuffed rabbits and cats.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 2

So OK. The situation is that the boy moved out. But this blog is not about him. It's about me. Living *the single life*, only without the miscellaneous sex with strangers, b/c I am too damn introverted to go meet any kinda dudes.

I can clean stuff on my own. No problems. In fact, my house looks like the bomb dot com b/c I'm the only one around to make a mess. But when the boy was around, HE cooked. HE drove. HE went grocery shopping w/ me. All of this responsibility has now fallen on MY shoulders. Not a good look. The driving isn't really so bad. COOKING isn't really too awful's mainly 1.) me feeling like cooking and 2.) me finding a variety of dinners vs. eating ravioli every night. It's the hunting and gathering that's the biggest issue. I learned this the hard way today.....

I didn't fall asleep last night til 4am (another complication of the single life). I ended out waking up around 1pm today. So it was already past the time I wanted to go grocery shopping. I figured if I went to walmart EARLY the amount of Tom Foolery might be at a minimum, or at least at a tolerable level. After feeding the cats & myself, showering, etc, I ended out getting to walmart at around 3:30. I almost got into a wreck in the parking lot. Strike one. I get into the store, grab my wagon (a "cart", or in some extreme cases "buggy", as it is known down south) and attempt to get through the sliding doors, only to have a dumb ass senior citizen standing right smack in the middle of the door to admire the fucking christmas tree. Then I almost collided with another fool riding on one of those hover-rounds w/ a shopping basket attached. Strike two. I head to the produce section. I feel like I'm being observed by the hood-boogers working in the deli. So I can't even purchase any bananas. I quickly drive away. I try to go down the bread aisle. There are people and their stupid carts strewn all over the center of the aisle, making it IMPOSSIBLE to get through. So I try to hit the next aisle, and I grab some stuffing without consequence. I think I made it through maybe 1 or 2 more aisles, almost colliding with idiots on every turn. It was when I hit the taco aisle that I lost my shit. I'm minding my own business, trying to not have a nervous breakdown, when a damn walmart employee decides it's a good idea to inform me he likes my tattoos.  Strike three. I'm out. I drive my little cart to an end cab, abandon it and my stuffing, and go the hell out the door. SO pissed. Well....pissed, and a little scared. If I can't handle going and shopping for groceries, how will I survive? I'll starve! So I decide to scoot on off to Target to at least purchase paper towels and maybe some mac & cheese bites for dinner. Once I arrive, I drive my wagon to the pain reliever spot first. I grab some tension headache meds b/c my head is burning. I snatch up some tampons and paper towels and head on over to the mac & cheese bite area. I see some good prices and decide that maybe I'll attempt to grocery shop here. Everything was going fine.....except people and their damn fuckin WAGONS!!!! These bitches just parking their wagons right in the middle of the aisle while they themselves basically sprawl out somewhere else in my way. I really considered playing bumper cars w/ my wagon and other patrons backsides. Eventually circumstances did improve...people were starting to get the hint that when we were on the same aisle they needed to be courteous and get the everliving fuck to one side or the other. So yea. I ended out getting almost everything I needed at Target, for the same price or cheaper than Walmart. I was happy at the end of this whole excursion, but it really left me am I going to survive the real world on my own?......